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Husqvarna X-Guard Low Temp Bar & Chain Oil


  • $22.99
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Product Description

Husqvarna X-Guard Premium Bar and Chain Oil has been designed to provide ultimate protection to cutting equipment while operating a chainsaw. Formulated from virgin base stock oils, Husqvarna’s X-Guard lubricant reduces friction and wear on cutting bars and chains, extending the life of cutting equipment. X-Guard’s reduced sling formulation includes a premium tackifier additive, which ensures the lubrication is maintained on the cutting equipment for optimal performance.

Husqvarna’s X-Guard Low Temp Formula is recommended for prolonged chainsaw use in colder conditions. This formulation provides superior cutting equipment protection while operating a chainsaw in temperatures as low as -15°F / -26°C.


Premium tackifier

Premium tackifier adheres to the bar and chain creating longer lasting strings.

Reduced friction

Premium formulation reduces friction between bar and chain in most extreme conditions, extending the life of cutting equipment.

Wear protection

Formulated with special anti-wear additives resulting in outstanding wear protection and requiring less maintenance.

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