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Premium Knit Paint Roller Cover, 1 x 9-In.


  • $6.49
    Unit price per 

Designed for use on bricks, blocks and other rough surface applications this 9 inch W, 1 inch nap, standard dia roller cover is engineered with high density white knit fabric making it ideal for use with the new thicker Paint + Primer paints on the market today. The increased density of the fibers allows the roller to hold more paint for fewer trips to the paint tray while the 100% polypropylene core with patented thermo-bond technology not only seals the fiber to the core to keep them from releasing into the paint but also holds up under hours of use and can be cleaned again and again for re-use. Engineered for use with all paints and stains including oil and latex. Package includes 1 roller cover.

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