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Shopsmith 5-Inch Hook & Loop 8 Hole Sanding Discs 40 Grit


  • $14.99
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These Hook and Loop Sheets Feature High Performance Grain On a Durable Plastic Film Backing

Shopsmith's new premium abrasive products feature G2 technology, a combination of the highest quality abrasive grains, mated with the most durable backings to give you the fastest-cutting, longest-lasting abrasives available.

These 5" Hook & Loop Abrasive Discs Feature:

Film Backing - better edge wear, tear resistance for 4 times the life
Super-Sharp Grain - for fast cutting
Anti-Clog Coating
Superior Finishing Results
Start enjoying superior finishing results with these revolutionary film-backed sanding discs that resists tearing and edge wear to give you four times the life and a super-smooth sanding surface.

Film back hook & loop discs are available in 40 grit, 80 grit, 100 grit, 120 grit, 150 grit, 180 grit, 220 grit and 320 grit.

Note: We advise you to always wear an N95 (NIOSH-Certified) Respirator when sanding to filter out 95% of airborne particles.

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